.64 oz is more than .34 oz.
34 oz are in 34 oz.
34 fl oz = 1.0052 L 5 L = 169.12 fl oz 5 L is much bigger (in volume) than 34 fl oz.
Yes. 34 lb is 544 oz.
34 oz stands for 34 ounces. It is a unit of measurement commonly used to measure volume or weight. In fluid ounces, 34 oz would be equivalent to about 1 liter.
As 8 is more than 2.5, 8 oz is more than 2.5 oz.
oz is an abbreviation for ounces; 34 oz is thus 34 ounces. they are one and the same.
Is 1.7 oz more than 8oz ?
3.4 fluid ounces = approximately 0.1006 liters.