The screen
The display
Yes, you can use a calculator on the GRE exam, but it is a basic on-screen calculator provided by the test.
No, because it doesn't have a screen.
Yes, you are provided with an on-screen calculator during the Quantitative Reasoning sections of the GRE exam.
When it's showing numbers on the screen...
The TI-83 has a very good screen and excellent graphics.
A graphing calculator is a calculator with the capability of graphing an equation on a built-in coordinate grid on the screen. They usually have a simple LCD grid screen, and by typing in the equation (e.g., 5x+3), the screen refreshes to display a graph of the equation in a set window range.
Display screen
on the touch screen after you receive the app.
Yes. A graphing calculator has lots of options for mathematical calculations, but in addition, it has a relatively large screen, and options to graph functions.
In a calculator it makes the screen the same number across left to right as up and down even if the screen is not square.