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Those are the topologies - star, bus, and ring (that is their name).

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Q: Star bus and ring all refer to what kind of topologies?
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What are the different kinds of network topologies?


What are the types of topologies networking?

Bus star ring mesh hybrid

What is a complex combination of pure topologies?

The complex combination of pure topologies is called a Hybrid. Examples of hybrid are star ring network and star bus network.

What are the 3 common Lan topologies?

There is actually more than three topologies for networking. Network topologies are categorized into the following basic types: * bus * ring * star * tree * mesh More complex networks can be built as hybrids of two or more of the above basic topologies.

Describe the four common topologies used in networks today?

Ring, Star, Bus, Mesh.

What is connecting to a network?

Network Topology decides how Devices on a Network will be interconnected. General used Topologies are BUS, RING & STAR Topologies.

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What Types of network topology and give examples of each topology?

Network Topology refers to the way that cables and other pieces of hardware connect to one another. There are four common "base" types of topologies: bus, ring, star, and mesh. There are other types as well, but these are referred to as "hybrid topologies." The most commonly used network topology is a hybrid topology called the Star Bus Topology.

List any four topologies used for networking purpose?

Bus, Mesh, Star, Ring.

What are some topologies?

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Topologies of computer networking?

Star network,ring network,tree network,bus network

What is a hybrid topology?

A hybrid is a combination of two or more basic network topologies, such as a star-bus, star-ring, or tiered topology.