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Q: Topology connects all nodes to a centralized hub or swtich?
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What is computer topology?

Computers can be interconnected in different ways to form a network. Such different ways of interconneconnection are called computer topologies. There are 5 topologies. They are: * BUS TOPOLOGY * RING TOPOLOGY * STAR TOPOLOGY * MESH TOPOLOGY * TREE TOPOLOGY

What a star topology uses a to connect all of the nodes?

A star topology uses a central network device, such as a hub or a switch, to connect all nodes in the network. Each node is connected directly to the central device, creating a centralized architecture that simplifies network management and troubleshooting.

What physical topology consists of a single cable that connects all nodes on a network without intervening connectivity devices?

it is a ring network

What is physical layout of nodes on a network that is known as a network's?


Why ring topology is harder to install than bus topology?

A bus is a linear network topology where there is a startpoint and endpoint (two different nodes) and the other nodes are between, in a straight line. A ring operates like a circle- data travels in one direction through the nodes, ending up at the starting node. In a ring topology, there is a central node to which each other node connects to. This is usually a hub or server. Ajeet kumar Mishra HCL CDC Allahabad HCE -064 Batch

Which network topology do nodes act as repeaters?

Star Topology, where Hubs can act as repeaters.

How do host on a physical ring topology communicate?

How do hosts on a physical ring topology communication

Which network topology do all nodes have independent connections to all other nodes?


How host on physical ring topology communicate?

A ring topology connects neighboring nodes until they form a ring. * signals than travels in one direction around the ring; each device on the network acts as a repeater to send the signal to the next device.

Will an Increase in number of nodes slow down LAN?

Yes, depending on the number of nodes added, the topology of the network, and how busy the nodes are.

What does a star topology use to connect all of the nodes?

a switch

Which topology is least affected by addition or removal of a node?

Ring Topology is least affected by addition or removal of nodes