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7mo ago

A star topology uses a central network device, such as a hub or a switch, to connect all nodes in the network. Each node is connected directly to the central device, creating a centralized architecture that simplifies network management and troubleshooting.

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Q: What a star topology uses a to connect all of the nodes?
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Why does a massive star have a much shorter life span compared to the sun?

Because a massive star has more pressure on the core, this creates greater temperatures, which increase the amount of nuclear fusion that occurs. This uses more hydrogen and thus the star runs out of fuel much quicker, that a smaller star.

What occurs that causes a main sequence star to lose its equilibrium and move on to the next stage in its evolution?

This happens when a main sequence star uses up all of its fuel and swells. Next stage: Red Giant.

What will be the sun be white dwarf or a main-sequence star?

Right now the sun is a main sequence star. When it uses up the hydrogen in its core it will become a red giant then shed its outer layers to become a white dwarf.

Is the lifetime of a massive star shorter or longer than a star like the sunwhy?

The lifetime of a massive star is shorter than that of a star like the sun. Massive stars have more fuel to burn but burn it at a faster rate due to their higher core temperatures and luminosities. This leads to a shorter lifespan for massive stars compared to sun-like stars.

How the life cycle of a low mass star differ from the life cycle of high mass star?

The major difference is that a low-mass star lives much longer. The reason for this is that a high-mass star gets hotter, is much brighter, and uses up its fuel much faster. The difference can be quite dramatic, with some stars being millions of times brighter than others. Also, assuming the star doesn't acquire additional mass, a low-mass star will end up as a white dwarf, while more massive stars will end up as a neutron star, or in the case of the most massive stars, a black hole.

Related questions

Which physical topology uses the same communications line is used to connect all nodes?

logical channel

What network topology uses a backbone?

Bus topology as many nodes are connected to single link

The topology that uses a central hub is?

A star topology.

What topology uses a cable looped to itself and shared by all nodes?

Token ring

Which Topology uses more cables than other network topologies?

Star topology

Which topology uses a hub?

I say Star Topology. Watch this video: It explains different topologies. Good luck

What type of topology uses tokens?

Token ring uses star topology . The data token is being passed from one computer to other allowing all the computer to have network access and avoids data collision.

Which local are network employs a star wired bus topology?

Any network that uses a switch or router, but not a hub, to centrally and physically connect the nodes on the network. It is a physical star, but logically, the nodes communicate as a bus, e.g., each node communicates only with the switch to which it is connected; it is up to the switch to pass the information along another bus connection to another node. A hub, on the other hand, is both physically and logically a star, because all nodes connect to the central bus and the communication path is radiated from one node via the hub to all other nodes. Star-wired bus should not be confused with a star-bus hybrid, which is a network made up of multiple stars, each one connected to the next via a bus.

What are the uses of the 3 topologies?

1. logical topology 2. Physical topology 3. star toplogy

The token ring transport method uses a physical topology mesh along with the logic of a ring topology?


Which topology uses a central device for point-to-point connections to other devices?

A star topology; a network topology in which endpoints on a network are connected to a common central device by point-to-point links.

What are the types of topology?

Some common types of network topologies include bus, ring, star, mesh, and hybrid. Bus topology uses a single cable to connect all devices, ring connects each device to two others in a ring, star has all devices connected to a central hub, mesh connects each device to every other device, and hybrid combines two or more different types of topologies.