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Q: True or false does Excel treat any combination of numbers spaces and nonnumeric characters as numbers?
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How many words is 20000 characters with spaces?

That would depend on which words you use (as they have different numbers of letters).

What is the longest question on WikiAnswers?

200 Characters Is the Limit200 characters (i.e., letters, numbers, spaces and symbols) is the limit. There are a number of questions of this exact length on WikiAnswers.

How many characters is the maximum length for a volume name?

The maximum length for a volume name in Windows is 32 characters. This includes letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters, but it does not allow certain reserved characters like / \ : ? " < > |.

How many characters can a folder name hold?

windows files can have up to 256 characters. they can be letters, numbers, nad spaces. no symbols. they can be in uppercase or lowercase

What is the difference between words and characters?

I've always wanted to know this and I finally realized the answer. Characters include all the symbols, numbers and letters. Including spaces is up to you. Example: Symbols~, . / < > ? :" ;'{} [] !@#$%^&*()_+- Numbers 0123456789 Letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Count each and every symbol, number and letter. Hey dude! with spaces=9 characters without=8 characters Words, I think you know what it is right? Hey dude! words= 2

Can WPA Passwords for wireless internet have spaces?

WPA passwords are 8-63 characters including spaces and other characters. e.i. !@#$%^&*()_+-=,.<>?:";'{}[]124567890`~\|

Does 140 characters include spaces?

Yes. For example, if a email account can only be 12 characters long, spaces would count as a character.

What does it mean to write something with a minimum 40 characters and maximum of 140 characters?

characters are like letters, punctuation marks, spaces, numbers etc. in chinese it could also mean each separate character but you know ;) But don't confuse characters with words. Something with 40-140 characters is really little!

How are the characters in C grouped?

letters, digits, special characters and white spaces

Why is there only 18 letters in an horse name?

To make sure it doesn't get too long, they made a rule that it can only have 18 Characters including spaces, numbers, etc.

How many characters are allowable in a question on WikiAnswers?

Apparently, 200 characters, including spaces.

Do you type in all 16 numbers and the spaces when using a mastercard?

type in all the numbers WITHOUT any spaces