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Q: What are all the disadvantages of hypertree topology?
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What are advantages and disadvantages of tree topology?

you can cut logs out of it

Definition for bus topology what are the features of bus topology what are the advantages and disadvantages of bus topology.?

Four collision domains are present Two broadcast domains are present.

Disadvantages and advantage of hierarchical topology?

is rapid fast but it dont have paths if a line brokes

Advantages and disadvantages of tree network topology?

Some advantages of tree network topology include easy to set up and extend. It is also inexpensive. Its disadvantages, on the other hand, include limit on central cable length and number of nodes.

What are disadvantages of using a star topology?

If the server dies, the computers get unseen for each other. It isn't a good idea in every situation to leave the whole network to only 1 computer, because if it ets an error, your network is dead.

What are the disadvantages of a tree topology?

easily illegal acess could be made or haking could be done

What are the disadvantages of tree topology?

easily illegal acess could be made or haking could be done

Which topology are all devices connected to one another in a closed loop?

An old topology called Token Ring

Advantages and disadvantages of network topology?

GO TO and they have a lot of stuff over topologies it could really help you

What are the advantage and disadvantages of ring topology?

The main advantage of ring topology is that data flows in a singular direction, eliminating collisions. However, if one node in the ring breaks down, the entire network ceases to function.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of tree topology?

Point-to-point wiring for individual segments.Supported by several hardware and software companies.

What network use star topology?

Star topology:- In this topology all PC are connected with the central device. Central may be HUB and SWITCH. Star widely use in all over word. Ring topology:- In this ring topology all PC are connected in the frame of ring are close Ring topology use MSAU each PC has a two never road one is called up Stream and called down stream. It used token passing Matterhorn which implement the token ring network. " Is the best of star topology".