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0D = A point

1D = A line

2D = A shape with X and Y lines(square)

3D = A shape with X, Y, and Z lines (cube)

4D = A 3d shape with the addition of time

5D = Another possible reality caused by choice and chance

6D = Being able to jump between one reality and another

7D = All possible conceivable realities in this universe

8D = A different universe in which there are different particles resulting from the big bang

9D = Being able to jump from one universe to another

10D = A infinite amount of possible universes

11D = Being able to jump between the infinite amount of universe and realities

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What does 2D and 3D?

2D is two dimensions and 3D is three dimensions. 2D and 3D animation is animation that works in 2D and 3D. Often, 3D is used instead of 2D in order to enhance the perception of quality, even though the 3D is rendered on a 2D visual field. Its a matter of perspective. (Pun intended.)

What does animation 2D and 3D mean?

2D is two dimensions and 3D is three dimensions. 2D and 3D animation is animation that works in 2D and 3D. Often, 3D is used instead of 2D in order to enhance the perception of quality, even though the 3D is rendered on a 2D visual field. Its a matter of perspective. (Pun intended.)

Differences between 3D and 2D?

2D is an image drawn in the X, and Y dimensions. 3D is an image drawn in the X, Y, and Z dimensions, however most often what is referred to as 3D is a 2D simulation of 3D.

What is the difference between 2D and 3D graphics?

In 2D, the dimensions consist of the length and width.In 3D, the dimensions consist of length, width, & depth.To further expand on this, 2D images have an X and Y axis, the X axis is horizontal and Y is vertical. 3D images have an X, Y, and Z axis, the Z being for depth.

What does the 'D' in '3-D' stand for?

the d in 3d stands for dimensions. On a 2d TV you only have 2 dimensions but on a 3d TV you have 3 dimensions (length, height and depth)

Is a rhombus a 3d shape or a 2d shape?

A rhombus is a four sided polygon, a quadrilateral. It is a 2d shape. 2d shapes have 2 dimensions, like length and width. 3d shapes have 3 dimensions, like length, width and depth.

What is the difference in 2D and 3D?

2D is a shape or an object that is flat and u can not pick it up, and it has 2 faces. 3D is a shape or an object that is a shape and you cant pick it up and hold it, and it can have as many faces.

What is the difference between a 1D shape 2D shape and a 3D shape?

take, for an example, a duck. This is a 3d shape because it has three dimensions. Compare this to a square, which is 2d. the difference is that the duck has a beak, and the square does not.

What are the differences between 2ds and 3ds?

.2d has 2 dimensions: corners and sides.3d has 3 dimensions: vortices (corners), sides and faces.

What does animation-2D and 3D mean?

is has a minor difference of 1 dimension. means if u talk about 2d animation is having length and bredth but whan u talk about 3d its having length, bredth and depth due to which u can see its thikness. g.abbas indore

What is the difference between 2D and 3D?

2d is just on paper 3d comes out as a model like a block or whatever your design was

What is 3g and 3d?

2d is a flat shape with only 2 dimentions (width & length) 3d is a shape with 3 dimensions (width, length and depth)