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A line chart.

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Q: What chart do you use to chart trends over time?
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The chart to use for displaying trends over a period of time is a what kind of a chart?

A line chart would be the best chart to do that. However, it could also be done with a bar or column chart. You can also add trendlines to them to help show a trend.

When would you use a pie chart or bar chart?

A bar chart can be used to show comparisons and trends. A pie chart can be used to show fractions of a whole or percentages.

Why would you use a line chart instead of a column chart?

You use a line chart to show changes over time, for the same value. The line goes up or down, depending on the change over time. A column chart is more commonly used to compare independent values.

Which chart type would you use to compare unrelated objects over time using a horizontal format?

A bar chart.

Which chart type would be the best candidate to spot trends and extrapolate information based on reseach data?

That will depend on the type of data and what you are looking for. You could use a line chart but even a bar chart or a scatter graph. ----------- If these are time series data, and assuming that you have sufficient data, I would suggest calculating spectra as a way of identifying possible trends.

What to use to show how individual volume changes over time in relation to total volume?

You can use a stacked area chart to show how individual volume changes over time in relation to total volume. This type of chart allows you to see both the individual component volumes and how they contribute to the total volume over the selected time period.

When do you use a stock chart in Excel?

A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.A stock chart is a specialised chart to track prices of stocks and shares over a period of time. There are variations of the chart. It can show some or all of the following: their opening value, highest value, lowest value, closing value in that time period and also the amount of stock traded. So you would use it to chart details of share prices and trading.

Which chart type would you use to compare distinct objects over time using a horizontal format?

Bar charts are normally laid out horizontally. You can have many variations of bar chart, such as clustered or stacked.

Which kind of graph would you use to show how the price breed has changed over time?

Line chart

What is the advantage and disadvantage of a bar chart over a pie chart?

The advantage is: You can see the data clearer and is easier to draw. It helps if you use numbers that have NOT got percentages in. The disadvantage is: If you have no choice but to use a bar chart with percentages, you'll have a difficult time trying to do it. A Pie Chart is better to use. I hope it helps. I'm only 12 years old.

What chart in MS Excel used to show production or sales trends?

You can use most chart types to track sales. The three most common types of charts are line, pie, and bar. All of these could be used to show information related to sales.

Do picture graphs and bar graphs show you patterns over time explain?

These graphs CAN show you patterns over time as long as one of your axes shows time (usually the x axis). However it is easier to see trends over time if you use a line graph, and this is more common.