27,154 US gallons = 22,610.43 Imperial (UK) gallons.
One US gallon is equivalent to approximately 0.83 UK gallons.
1 US gallon ≈ 0.833 UK gallons ⇒ 35 US gallons ≈ 35 x 0.833 UK gallons ≈ 29.14 UK gallons
To convert UK gallons to US gallons, you can multiply by 1.2. So, 48 UK gallons would be equivalent to 57.6 US gallons.
There are Imperial gallons and US gallons, the UK uses Imperial gallons as does most of the rest of the world.
3.5 US gallons = 2.914 UK gallons.
You cannot equate length and volume directly. If you mean cubic feet, this is 39497 US gallons
60 Gallons (UK) = ~72.06 Gallons (US)
38 US gallons equates to 31.642 UK gallons.
3965.752 US gallons equates to 3302.18 English (UK or Imperial) gallons.
50 L = about 13.2 (13.2086026) US gallons.
1.6 liters = 0.423 US gallons = 0.352 imperial gallons