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14 cubic meters

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Q: What does a 20 ton lorry carry in cubic metre?
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How much can a 1 ton lorry carry?

1000 pounds of poo

How many 100 Liters in 1 Cubic ton?

1 cubic metre = 1000 litres

WHAT IS Cubic Meter OF 5 TON?

A ton is a measure of mass. A cubic metre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and,according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid. If you are not convinced, consider a cubic metre of air. How many tons? Next consider a cubic metre of lead. How many tons?

I need to carry 80 stone in weight what ton of lorry would I need?

A stone is equal to about 14 pounds. 14 x 80 = 1120 lbs. A ton is equal to 2000 lbs. So a half ton lorry would probably work as it would only be slightly overweight. But a 3/4 ton lorry would be better, as it would provide a little extra margin of safety.

Is a cubic meter of gravel the same as 1 ton?

Not necessarily. The weight of a cubic metre of gravel varies, depending on the type of rock and its size. If it is any help, a cubic metre of water is Exactly a tonne. (ie 1000 litres= 1000kgs)

How many cubic meters are in a ton?

This question cannot be answered sensibly. A cubic metre is a measure of volume, with dimensions [L3]. A ton is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information. It takes only a little mental effort to compare a cubic metre of air and a cubic metre of lead to see that the two will have very different masses.

What is the volume in cubic meters of one ton of dune sand?

A 'Cubic metre' is a metric measure of volume. A 'Ton' is a measure of Imperial weight/mass. It all depends on what you are measuring & its density . Together with the conversion factors between 'Metric' and 'Imperial'.

What is 50.350 ton in cubic meter?

There can be no conversion.A ton is a measure of mass. A cubic metre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

How many ton are in cubic meter?

There can be no conversion.A ton is a measure of mass. A cubic metre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

One meter cubic equal to how many ton?

There is no sensible answer to this question. A cubic metre is a measure of volume, with dimensions [L3]. A ton is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions without additional information. A cubic mjetre of air will have a significantly smaller amount of mass than a cubic metre of lead, for example.

1097 cubic meters is equal to metric tons?

There is no sensible answer to this question. A cubic metre is a measure of volume, with dimensions [L3]. A ton is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions without additional information. Think about the mass of a cubic metre of air and compare it with the mass of a cubic metre of concrete.

How calculate cbm to tons?

A ton is a measure of mass. A cubic metre (cbm) is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid. If you are not convinced, consider a cubic metre of air. How many tons? Next consider a cubic metre of lead. How many tons?