e-r diagram of scientific calculator
Depending on the calculator, the button may be labeled "E", "EE", "ENG", or "EXP"
Usually "10^" appears as "e".
8.4439177559686645954870429037094e+416 (Computer Calculator)Ma ERROR "Memory Error" (Handheld Scientific Calculator)E "Error" (Basic Calculator)
If you have a scientific calculator, there should be a key to input numbers in scientific notation. This key may be labeled "E" (uppercase E - the lowercase "e" means something different) or "Exp". In this case, press 1, EXP, 12 (meaning, 1 x 1012).
A Texas Instruments graphing calculator can be used as a basic calculator, a scientific calculator and a graphing calculator.
A Scientific Calculator
dose scientific calculator emit sinewaves
Usually a graphing calculator should have all the capabilities you expect from a scientific calculator (and more, since it does the graphing). For more details, check the manual of your calculator if you already have one.
A scientific calculator.