To convert cubic feet to US gallons, you multiply the number of cubic feet by 7.48052. This conversion factor is based on the fact that 1 US gallon is equal to 0.133681 cubic feet.
There are approximately 224.71 gallons in 30 cubic feet.
If you know gallons, multiply gallons by 0.133681 to get cubic feet.If you know cubic feet, multiply cubic feet by 7.48052 to get gallons.
Conversion: US gallons x 0.133681 = cubic feet
Five gallons is 0.668 cubic feet.
There is no direct conversion between gallons and feet as they are measuring different quantities (volume vs. length). If you specify the shape or container for which you need the conversion (e.g., a rectangular tank), a calculation can be made to determine the height in feet for a volume of 150 gallons.
There are 7.48052 gallons in 1 cubic foot. Therefore, 748 gallons is equal to 99.97 cubic feet.
0.6684 cubic feet = five gallons (US)
There are 7.48 gallons in 1 cubic foot, so 100 gallons of water would equal approximately 13.36 cubic feet.
there are 8.9018181522225266627406905758232 gallons in 1.19 cubic feet
13 US gallons = 1.73784722 cubic feet[Google "13 gallons into cubic feet"]
5,400 gallons equates to 721.9 cubic feet.