1 US gallon = 0.133680556 Cubic Feet (ft3); and 1 day = 24 hours = 1,440 Minutes. Math equation for conversion where "x=number of gallons per day" is: (x / 1440) x 0.133680556 Example: If x=30 (gallons per day), then: 0.208333 x 0.133680556 = 2.785 ft3 per Minute.
There are approximately 224.71 gallons in 30 cubic feet.
Use this formula: cubic feet x 7.48 = gallons (US measure). To be more exact, use 7.48051948 instead of 7.48.
There are 7.48052 gallons in 1 cubic foot. Therefore, 748 gallons is equal to 99.97 cubic feet.
0.6684 cubic feet = five gallons (US)
Formula: Cubic feet x 7.48052 = gallons.
The conversion factor is: 7.481cubic feet x 7.481 = gallons
You cannot convert area into volume.
There are 0.133681 cubic feet in 1 US gallon. This conversion is used when measuring volume in different units, such as between gallons and cubic feet.
1 US gallon = 0.133680556 Cubic Feet (ft3); and 1 day = 24 hours = 1,440 Minutes. Math equation for conversion where "x=number of gallons per day" is: (x / 1440) x 0.133680556 Example: If x=30 (gallons per day), then: 0.208333 x 0.133680556 = 2.785 ft3 per Minute.
There are approximately 224.71 gallons in 30 cubic feet.
If you know gallons, multiply gallons by 0.133681 to get cubic feet.If you know cubic feet, multiply cubic feet by 7.48052 to get gallons.
Conversion: US gallons x 0.133681 = cubic feet
Use this formula: cubic feet x 7.48 = gallons (US measure). To be more exact, use 7.48051948 instead of 7.48.
Five gallons is 0.668 cubic feet.
Hi, multiply the L*B*W . that will give youvolume of any object , now if your result is in metre then 35.71 cubic feet in 1 cubic meter
There are 7.48052 gallons in 1 cubic foot. Therefore, 748 gallons is equal to 99.97 cubic feet.