1 metre = 3.281 feet so 1 cubic metre = 3.2813 cubic feet. So multiply by 3.2813 = 35.314667
joules per cubic metre
It is Cubic feet per metre
Kilograms per cubic metre
It depends on the variety of the wood, whether is is seasoned and dry. From 170 kg per cubic metre for Balsa to 1370 kg per cubic metre for Lignum Vitae
Twenty Million. There are one million per cubic metre.
Using a density of 3150 kilgrams per cubic metre = 196.65 pounds per cubic foot.
are these concrete blocks and allowing for mortar. 12.5 per square metre, 62.5 per cubic metre with mortar
1 kg/cubic metre = 77.853 pounds/ cubic foot.
136 cubic feet / hour = 3.851 cubic metres / hour. 1 metre = 3.28 ft, so 1 cubic metre = 3.28^3 cubic feet. Therefore you divide 136 by 3.23^3
1.5 tonnes per Cubic metre.
Water has a mass of 1000 kg per cubic metre. Lead has a mass of 11340 kg per cubic metre. So lead is heavier than water.