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The most accurate way of generating random numbers is to use something called Hotbits. This is an online random number generator that uses radioactive decay. They are supplied for free by a company called Fourmilab, located in Switzerland.

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Q: What is the most accurate way of generating true random numbers?
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The output of the pseudo-random number generator?

Is a set of numbers that look random and will pass most tests of randomness.

Why do you use pseudorandom numbers in simulation?

Generation of random numbers is not a simple process. In order for a number to be truly random it must be uniformly distributed (each random number in the interval of random numbers has equal chance of being selected), efficiently generated (the random numbers hsould not degenerate into constant values or recycle too frequently) and absent of patterns. Computers can generate random numbers using a mathematical process that artificially creates psuedorandom numbers more efficiently than true random numbers can be generated in a process akin to spinning the roulette wheel.

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Lottery numbers are completely random. If they weren't, then everyone would be millionaires.

What are the most frequent lottery numbers drawn?

Answer 1believe it or not, the numbers are nigh on random, although the most common, worldwide lottery numbers, (from set sources) are :3, 9, 11, 19, 27, 38, 44 and 45Answer 2This will of course change depending on the date you check, so the above numbers might not be accurate right now. For current statistics on the most frequently drawn lottery numbers (in Australia) go to the below link to and click to 'statistics' in the right hand menu.

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Well, if people are trying to just make up random numbers, 3 and 7 are far too common.

What are most numbers that get picked by the Washington state lottery?

Washington's Lotto chooses 6 numbers from 1 to 49. The numbers drawn are completely random. There are no numbers that are any more or less likely to be drawn.

Why do you need to repeat your experiment?

To reduce Random and Systematic errors that may have occured during the experiment, by taking their average. This can get the most accurate value.

What is a random number table?

Random numbers (or random deviates) are numbers chosen totally by chance, but also conform to a certain distribution. The most common distribution is the uniform distribution. If I say that a number is chosen totally by chance between 1 and 100, and there is equal chance that every number between 1 and 100 can be chosen, then this is a uniformly distributed random number. If I list these generated numbers in a table, then this is a random number table. A program like Excel can easily generate uniform random numbers from 0 to 1, by entering +rand() into a column in the spreadsheet. To calculate a new table, press F9.

What is srand in c plus plus?

Srand (seed random ) is used to seed random numbers and is used before calling the rand() or the random number generator. Seeding random numbers ensures that each time the code is executed the number generated is completely random. srand requires one parameter. For most cases it is sufficient to make this parameter time(NULL) [remember to include time.h] as this will seed a new bunch of random number every second

Can a computer produce a list of random numbers?

Most computers generate pseudo-random numbers - these are numbers which are created using a formula, but due to the way the formula works, the sequence of numbers generated appears random and is good enough for most applications. The random number generator can be seeded so that the same sequence of "random" numbers is generated every time. Some systems improve on this by using unpredictable "real-world" events to create a more truly random sequence: The Apple ][ computer when waiting for a key press from the user would keep incrementing the current "seed"; thus the seed was influenced by the random event of the user pressing a key but if a series of "random" numbers was then taken, they were strictly pseudo-random. Linux has a pseudo-random number generator in a library function, but it also has in the kernel itself an "entropy pool" which is filled by environmental "noise" created by device drivers, etc. By accessing /dev/random a series of numbers is created from this pool; if the pool empties then the device will block until more "Noise" has been collected. /dev/urandom acts similarly, except that if the pool empties, then it falls back onto a pseudo-random sequence. As the entropy pool is limited in size, the random values being read should be used where security is important, eg in creating the key for an encryption, in small doses.

Why would using more plants most likely produce more accurate results than using one plant?

You can divide it by the numbers of plants so that it is accurate.