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Q: What network topologies uses a special hub called a Multistation Access Unit?
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What acronym is the hub in a token ring network which houses the actual ring is also known by what acronym?

MAU - Multistation Access Unit

What is the access method for star topologies?

Most star topologies use CSMA/CD for a Local Area Network. WANs and MANs are different and use completely different access methods.

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What is the term for a hub used on a token ring network?

Figure it out your selves If you are doing a National Diploma in IT then you should know this

It is a part of a network and it is a special computer that users on the network can access to carry out a particular job?

It refers to a special computer that users on the network can access to carry out a particular job.

What is storage area network?

Storage area Network is a dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage. It is a high speed and special purpose network.

What is storage areas?

Storage area Network is a dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage. It is a high speed and special purpose network.

What is access method for ring topologies?

In a ring topology, the access method used is typically token passing. In this method, a token is passed around the ring from one node to the next, allowing nodes to transmit data when they possess the token. This helps in controlling and managing the network traffic in a structured manner.

What is token based media access?

Token-based media access is a controlled media access method in which computers pass a special sequence of bits between them; only the node holding this token can transmit on the network. After transmitting its data, or if it has no data to transmit, a node passes the token to the next computer on the network. Neeraj

Is the network security key is the wifi's password?

In general, yes. The WiFi password is a network security key. There are some special systems, however, which require a different network security key to access the internet, sometimes even if you have a wired connection.

When was Seattle Community Access Network created?

Seattle Community Access Network was created in 1999.

When was Manchester Network Access Point created?

Manchester Network Access Point was created in 1997.