In a ring topology, the access method used is typically token passing. In this method, a token is passed around the ring from one node to the next, allowing nodes to transmit data when they possess the token. This helps in controlling and managing the network traffic in a structured manner.
The five methods of teaching principles are lecture method, demonstration method, discussion method, collaborative learning method, and hands-on learning method.
A universal approach refers to a method, strategy, or policy that is intended to apply to everyone regardless of individual differences or characteristics. It aims to be inclusive and equitable, seeking to provide benefits or access to resources universally without discrimination or exclusion.
The question-answer method of teaching is called the Socratic method, named after the Greek philosopher Socrates. This method involves a teacher asking probing questions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to discover knowledge through their own reasoning and discussion.
Socrates' method of teaching, known as the Socratic method, is still used today in various educational settings. This method involves asking probing questions to encourage critical thinking and uncovering deeper insights.
This method of teaching is called the Socratic method. It involves the use of open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage active participation from students.
Most star topologies use CSMA/CD for a Local Area Network. WANs and MANs are different and use completely different access methods.
Those are the topologies - star, bus, and ring (that is their name).
bus topology, ring topology
Token Passing
Network Topology decides how Devices on a Network will be interconnected. General used Topologies are BUS, RING & STAR Topologies.
Bus star ring mesh hybrid
Ring - A ringtopology connects neighboring nodes until they form a ring. Signals travel in one direction around the ring. In ring topologies, each device on the network acts as a repeater to send the signal to the next device
Token passing
The complex combination of pure topologies is called a Hybrid. Examples of hybrid are star ring network and star bus network.
Different types of Networking topologies are 1] Bus topolgy 2] Ring topology 3] Mesh topology 4] Hibrid topology
sonet ring