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That's one of several "line codes" used to detect errors in transmission media.

This one is known as AMI ... "alternate mark inversion".

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Q: Which encoding method uses alternating positive and negative values for encoding binary ones?
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What is the encoding technique called that is used to store negative numbers in the computers?

What is called a two's complement. A computer cannot store negative values (non-positive logical values don't exist in binary logic), so it transforms the value into its "positive complement", which can be stored and acted upon.

What do you mean by Duo binary encoding?

Duo binary encoding is nothing but any information either that continuous or discreate signal it will encoded in to binary in the form of set of two binary numbers. It is called as duo binary encoading

'A' is represented in the binary system as?

Most computers use ASCII (or some similar) encoding, in which 'A' is represented as 65, or 01000001 binary. Older IBM mainframes use an entirely different encoding.

What is binary cord?

Wire carrying negative and positive charges in a closed circuit. It doesnt have earth.

What is Binary Encoder?

A binary encoder is a person who creates a code used to program computers at the most basic level. Claude Shanna developed binary encoding in the 1930s.

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the DSU converts the binary data pulses it receives from the DTE to the line encoding format required by the network, withing the computer the one bits are positive voltages, and zero bits are not voltages or low level voltages.

What does the negative sign do in excel?

The same as in many programming languages and other places where formulae are used. The negative sign can basically do one of the following: As a unary symbol (i.e., before a number), convert a positive to a negative, or a negative to a positive. For example, if "x" is positive, "-x" is negative, and vice versa. As a binary symbol (i.e., between two numbers), it means subtraction.

What are example files of data encoding?

Not to be flippant, but every file is an example of data encoding. Before data can be stored in computer memory or in a disk file, it first has to be digitally encoded in binary. The binary encodings can then be further encoded using encryption or compression.

What is the difference between binary code and extendible binary code?

There is no such thing as extendible (sic) binary code. However, there are two known variants: eXtendable Binary (XB) is a universal file format used for serialising binary trees. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) was an 8-bit character encoding used by IBM in the 1960's. It's a non-standard encoding that was used by IBM prior to them switching to ASCII peripherals.