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A quart.

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Q: Which unit of measurement is one fourth of a gallon?
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You are a unit of measurement you are one half of one fourth of one fourth of one fourth of a gallon What are you?

1 ounce

What is the liquid measurement of one fourth of a gallon?

a quart.

How many ounces are in 6 and one fourth gallons?

Gallon of what material density. Gallon is a volume unit while ounce is a mass unit.

What faction of a gallon is a quart?

A quart is one-fourth of a gallon.

How much is one gallon worth of dimes?

A gallon isn't a standard unit of measurement in this scenario, so it's impossible to give an estimate.

What would 1 unit of lemon juice be equal to in US measurement?

That is approximately 128 ounces

How many feet is one gallon?

feet is a measurement of length and gallon is a measurement of volume

How many pints are in 3 and one-fourth gallon?

There are 6.25 pints in 3 and one-fourth gallon.

What is one half of one fourth of one fourth of a gallon?

1/32 of a gallon (4 X 4 X 2).

How much is one fourth and three fourths of a liquid gallon?

One fourth and three fourths gives you a whole gallon

32 ounces in how much of a gallon?

One fourth of a gallon.

One fourth is how many milligrams?

4 milligrams is a measurement of