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Computers use the binary system because, electrically, it is the simplest system to use.

With the binary system, there are only two types of electrical states: on and off. With other systems, there would have to be different voltages that signify different numbers.

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Q: Why do computers process binary numbers?
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Computers process binary numbers which are composed of?

Binary numbers, with or without a computer are a series of 1's and 0's.

Why are binary numbers important in digital computing?

Computers store and process data in binary form: current on or off, location magnetised or not, laser reader hits a pit or not.

What machine uses binary logic to process information?

Computers use binary logic to process information.

Do computers understand the data they process?

yes, computers do understand the data they process, they are able to do this because of the processor all computers have in their circuit.

Are binary numbers used mostly in the science of computers?

No. All computers only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."

What numbers do computers depend on?

Computers primarilary work with the Binary numbering system (0 and 1) which is known as Base 2.

Why no websites tell us why binary is invented?

Binary system is invented to allow its use for computers where "on" is for one and "off" is for zero. So, numbers could be easily identified by the computers.

In what form numbers are stored in computers binary or ASCII form?

Its all in binary really. As each binary number refers to the pixel it will hold to form the shape after.

What 2 numbers are used in the binary code for computers?

Not 2 numbers - 2 digits. The digits 0 and 1.

What Calculations were made with the first computer?

Computers use binary numbers. This is ones and zeros.

Importance of binary numbers in computer?

the importance of binary numbers in standard computing is basically everything. computers only understand base 2, that is a 0 (off) and a 1 (on). every piece of data passed through any part of the computer is done so using base 2 (binary). that said, there are theorised base 3 computers, called 'genetic computers' which use genes and magnetism to produce a base 3 process, but this was only done as a computer sciences project and is likely to not every be implemented in the mainstream.