Binary numbers, with or without a computer are a series of 1's and 0's.
Information is stored in some kind of binary format in computers because computer memory is made out of binary digits (bits).
Computers use a binary system, not decimal.
Binary code is 010101 and so on but never really heard of 09 being directly related to computers in general!
A binary number is a number that consists of only 0 and 1. We use decimal numbers, which consist of numbers made up from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The decimal system is also known as the denary system. Binary is critical to how computers operate, but that would take time to explain in detail. For your examples that you asked for, the following is how binary and decimal represent numbers from decimal 0 to decimal 10. 0 = 0 1 = 1 10 = 2 11 = 3 100 = 4 101 = 5 110 = 6 111 = 7 1000 = 8 1001 = 9 1010 = 10
I think its something like this {| ! width="30%" | Letter ! Binary Code | A01000001B01000010C01000011D01000100E01000101F01000110G01000111H01001000I01001001J01001010K01001011L01001100M01001101N01001110O01001111P01010000Q01010001R01010010S01010011T01010100U01010101V01010110W01010111X01011000Y01011001Z01011010 and ! width="30%" | Letter ! Binary Code | a01100001b01100010c01100011d01100100e01100101f01100110g01100111h01101000i01101001j01101010k01101011l01101100m01101101n01101110o01101111p01110000q01110001r01110010s01110011t01110100u01110101v01110110w01110111x01111000y01111001z01111010 |}
Computers use the binary system because, electrically, it is the simplest system to use. With the binary system, there are only two types of electrical states: on and off. With other systems, there would have to be different voltages that signify different numbers.
Computers store and process data in binary form: current on or off, location magnetised or not, laser reader hits a pit or not.
Computers use binary logic to process information.
yes, computers do understand the data they process, they are able to do this because of the processor all computers have in their circuit.
No. All computers only understand binary, which is 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
Computers primarilary work with the Binary numbering system (0 and 1) which is known as Base 2.
Binary system is invented to allow its use for computers where "on" is for one and "off" is for zero. So, numbers could be easily identified by the computers.
Its all in binary really. As each binary number refers to the pixel it will hold to form the shape after.
Not 2 numbers - 2 digits. The digits 0 and 1.
Computers use binary numbers. This is ones and zeros.