1 US gallon equals 128 US fluid ounces
1 US gallon = 128 fluid ounces
64 fluid ounces is one half gallon.
128 ounces in a gallon
128 liquid ounces in a gallon of water.
1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces
1 gallon = 8 pints 1 pint = 0.12 gallon
Eight cups equals 64 ounces (8 cups x8 ounces) or a half gallon. A gallon is 128 ounces. No, there are 16 cups in 1 gallon.
128 oz
1 US gallon is 128 ounces
1 US gallon is 128 fluid ounces, and 1 imperial gallon equals 160 fluid ounces.
1 Gallon = 128 fluid ounces (volume not weight) That's a US gallon. An Imperial gallon is 160 ounces, but the ounces aren't the same size as US ounces. Nevertheless, an Imperial gallon is larger. Using litres and millilitres to measure volume solves this confusion. (Of course the US doesn't use Imperial gallons, but here in Canada we did prior to going metric.)