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Q: 600 grams of uranium after 3 half lives how many grams would there be?
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If you were to have 80 grams of uranium how many grams would be present at the end of the second half time?

After the second half-life of uranium, half of the original amount will remain. Therefore, if you start with 80 grams of uranium, after one half-life you would have 40 grams remaining, and after the second half-life, you would have 20 grams.

How come elements below uranium have equally short half-lives as the elements above uranium?

This affirmation is not correct; the half lives are different.

What are the half lives for uranium-235 and uranium-238?

The half-life of uranium-235 is approximately 703.8 million years, while the half-life of uranium-238 is approximately 4.5 billion years.

How much uranium is left if a solid piece exists for one half-life?

Half life is the time taken for half the atoms to decay. Whatever mass you start with, if it is a sample consisting of one pure uranium isotope, you will have half that mass of uranium after one half life. The piece of metal will not weigh half of the original mass, because the decay products will be there. In practice, a piece of uranium usually consists of a mixture of isotopes with different half lives.

A radioactive element has a half-life of 1000 years. If a sample of this element begins with a mass of 20 grams how long would you have to wait for the mass to decrease to 5 grams?

Since the element has a half-life of 1000 years, it will take two half-lives for the mass to decrease to 5 grams from 20 grams. Two half-lives equal 2000 years, so you would have to wait 2000 years for the mass to decrease to 5 grams.

Uranium-235 has a half-life of 700 million year. how long does it take a 100 gram sample of uranium to decay to a mass of 50 grams?

If a radioactive isotope has a half-life of 4 years, than 0.125 (0.53) of the isotope will remain after 12 years, or 3 half-lives.The question asked about Uranium. There is no isotope of Uranium with a half-life of 4 years. The closest is 232U92, which has a half-life of 68.9 years.Reference:

How much thorium in grams is there in 2 half lives?

To calculate the amount of thorium remaining after 2 half-lives, you use the formula: amount = initial amount * (1/2)^n, where n is the number of half-lives. If we assume the initial amount is 1 gram, after 2 half-lives, there would be 0.25 grams of thorium remaining.

How much uranium is left if a solid piece for one half life?

Half life is the time taken for half the atoms to decay. Whatever mass you start with, if it is a sample consisting of one pure uranium isotope, you will have half that mass of uranium after one half life. The piece of metal will not weigh half of the original mass, because the decay products will be there. In practice, a piece of uranium usually consists of a mixture of isotopes with different half lives.

How long will it take 36 grams of plutonium 240 to decay to 12 grams?

The decay of plutonium-240 has a half-life of about 656 million years. To go from 36 grams to 12 grams would require two half-lives, so it would take approximately 1.3 billion years for 36 grams of plutonium-240 to decay to 12 grams.

How long would you have to wait for the mass to decrease to 25 grams if a radioactive element has a half-life of 2000 years and the sample of the element begins with a mass of 100 grams?

You would have to wait for 2000 years for the mass to decrease to 50 grams (one half-life) and another 2000 years to decrease to 25 grams (two half-lives). So, in total, you would have to wait 4000 years for the mass to decrease to 25 grams.

How many days does it take for 32 grams of palladium -103 to decay to 2.0 grams the half - life of palladium -103 is 17 days?

It would take 51 days for 32 grams of palladium-103 to decay to 2.0 grams. This calculation involves multiple half-lives, as every 17 days half of the remaining material decays. By dividing the initial mass by 2 repeatedly until you reach 2.0 grams, you find that it takes 3 half-lives for the decay to occur.

Which dating technique would be best for a volcanic rock containing uranium?

Uranium-lead dating would be the best technique for dating volcanic rock containing uranium. This method is commonly used for dating ancient rocks due to the long half-lives of uranium isotopes and the presence of lead isotopes as decay products that allow for precise age determination.