To work out the proportion, you need to convert the pint into millilitres. There are 568.261485ml in a pint. Thus we want the proportion 240/568.261485 This is roughly 1/2.37
There are 1000 millilitres in a litre. Thus, to convert from millilitres to litres, you need to divide by 1000. In this case, 330/1000=0.33, so the answer is 0.33 litres.
There are two sizes of pint - an Imperial Pint and a US Pint. The imperial is 20% larger than a US pint. An Imperial pint is 568.26125 millilitres A US pint is 473.17647 millilitres
No, one pint is equal to approximately 473 milliliters.
There are 568.261485 millilitres in a pint. This means that to convert from pints to millilitres you have to multiply by 568.261485. In this case we have 3 pints, so do: 3 x 568.261485 = 1,704.784455 Therefore, 3 pints is equal to 1,705 millilitres.
If you mean millilitres, there are 568ml in an imperial pint
568.261485 millilitres
You cannot convert millilitres to metres. Millilitres are units of volume and metres are units of length or distance.
There are 568.261485 millilitres in a pint. Therefore to convert from millilitres into pints you have to divide by 568.261485. In this case you do: 6.5/568.261485 = 0.0011438396181 Therefore there are roughly 0.00114 pints in 6.5 millilitres.
There are 284 ml in a pint, so half a pint would be 142 ml.
Millimetres is LENGTH. You are asking about a VOLUME. there are 473 millilitres in a US pint, and 568 in an Imperial pint.
No, there are 473.176 milliliters in a US liquid pint.