1 US pint = 473.175 milliliters (in cooking, this may be rounded to 475ml) 1 Imperial (UK or British) pint = 568.2615 milliliters Both imperial and US systems have the same divisions of a gallon down to a teaspoon; however, the value of a gallon in each case is different.
No, one pint is equal to approximately 473 milliliters.
The volume of 1 pint is 0.4731764736 liters or 473.1764736 milliliters. A pint is a pint whether it is milk, water, honey, cooking oil, or anything else.
568 millilitres ≈ 1 imp pint → 400 ml ≈ 400/568 pint = 50/71 pint ≈ 0.70 pint 473 milliliters ≈ 1 US pint → 400 ml = 400/473 pint ≈ 0.85 pint
No, the pint is 568 ml.
1 US pint is 473 ml. An Imperial pint is 568 ml
1 imperial (UK) pint ≈ 568 millilitres.
1 US pint is 473 ml. - 1 Imp. pint is 568 ml
1 US pint = 473.175 milliliters (in cooking, this may be rounded to 475ml) 1 Imperial (UK or British) pint = 568.2615 milliliters Both imperial and US systems have the same divisions of a gallon down to a teaspoon; however, the value of a gallon in each case is different.
No, one pint is equal to approximately 473 milliliters.
there are 480 milliliters per pint (473 USP) one pint equals 480ml. 30ml per oz times the number of ozs
1 pint ≈ 568 milliliters, so ¼ pt ≈ ¼ × 568 ml = 142 ml.
There are about 475mL in a pint.
The volume of 1 pint is 0.4731764736 liters or 473.1764736 milliliters. A pint is a pint whether it is milk, water, honey, cooking oil, or anything else.
568 millilitres ≈ 1 imp pint → 400 ml ≈ 400/568 pint = 50/71 pint ≈ 0.70 pint 473 milliliters ≈ 1 US pint → 400 ml = 400/473 pint ≈ 0.85 pint
No, the pint is 568 ml.
568 M in a P = 568 millilitres in a pint.