1 acre = 100 decimal.
1 acre = 40.468564224 are
1 acre is equal to 1600 cottah in West Bengal, India.
For 1 Acre is equal to 100 cents. 1 Acre is equal to 40 Guntas. 1 Gunta is equal to 2.5 cents.
1 meter2=0.000247105381 of an acre
I acre is equal to 100 cents.
100 cents = 1 acre
1 ha = 2.47 acre
1 acre = about 4,046.86 square meters.
1 acre is 4046.86 square meters.
This question makes no sense whatsoever. An acre is an area, a decimal is a kind of number. Numbers do not make an area and areas do not make up numbers. -------------------------------------- Please ignore the answer above. People need to stop posting things they don't know. A decimal is a measure of land, most commonly used in South East Asia. Here is how it measures up: 1 decimal = 1/100 acre = 435.60 sq. ft. So, 1 acre = 100 decimals of land.
0.404685642 hectares is 1 acre.