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because every 3 seconds someone is born. every 5 seconds someone dies

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Q: Why might a population continue to grow when the number of birth equals death?
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What is it called if the birthrate and death rate are equal?

Population stabilization: Common term for zero population growth, in which the birth rate equals the death rate and in addition where net immigration equals net emigration so that the population does not increase or decrease over time. Usually used in the context of stabilizing increasing populations.

Relationship between birth rate death rate and growth rate?

the birth rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.

What is the formula for calculating birth rate?

The formula for calculating birth rate is (Number of Births / Total Population) x 1000. This formula allows you to determine the number of births per 1,000 individuals in a given population over a specific period of time.

The number of births in a population over a certain amount of time is known as?

The number of births in a population over a certain amount of time is known as the birth rate. It is usually expressed as the number of live births per 1,000 individuals in a population per year.

Factor that affects population number?

birth rate and death rate.

What is the number of births in a population in a certain amount of time?

Birth Rate

What is south dakotas birth rate?

South Dakota's Birth Rate for 2008, based on number of births per 1,000 population is 15.0.

How do you calculate birth rate?

The birth rate is calculated by dividing the number of live births in a year by the total population, then multiplying by 1,000 to express it as a rate per 1,000 people. The formula is: (Number of live births in a year / Total population) x 1,000.

What situation in which the birth rate plus immigration equals the death rate plus emigration is called?

zero population growth

What is the number of births in a population in a certain amount of time called?

birth rate

If the birth rate equals the death rate then the is what?

The overall growth rate of the general population is stagnant .

What had caused the population of north America to continue to grow?

In Mexico and Central America, the population grows due to a large birth rate. In the Caribbean, population grows from immigration (many slaves were brought from Africa and Europeans also settled here) as well as birth rate. And in Canada and the US, population has grown mainly due to immigration (mainly from Europe, but today from Latin America and Asia) and birth rate too.