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Q: Do Americans eat approximately 20-25 percent of their daily caloric intake from protein?
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Approximately 70 percent of the protein consumed by Americans comes from?

meat and dairy

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How much protein is in gar fish?

In 100 grams of garfish, there are approximately 28 grams of protein. This is 50 percent of the recommended amount of protein for one day.

What cheese is the least caloric?

cottage cheese has the minimal fat and hence it has the least caloric value it is also high in protein and low in carbs

What are the 3 caloric nutrients?

protein carbohydrates fat

Which has the highest percent of protein per pound oats or corn?

Oats 11-14% Corn approximately 10%

What is 80-90 percent of protein?

80-90 percent of protein = -10

What is the nutrition value in locust?

Locusts are approximately 50 to 60 percent protein by dry weight. They also have about 12 percent fat and very few carbohydrates. They are good sources of many vitamins and minerals although they are somewhat high in cholesterol.

What occurs when 50 percent of a protein produces a different phenotype than that produced by 100 percent or 0 percent of the protein?

incomplete dominance

Is beef one hundred percent protein?

No. 100 grams of beef has approximately 15 g of fat, 26 g of protein, 58 g of water and many other minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B3, iron, zinc

Why does fat generate more heat when digested when it is compared to protein and carbohydrate?

Fat contains more caloric energy per unit.

What percent of DNA codes for protein synthesis?

Approximately 1-2% of the human genome codes for protein synthesis. The rest of the DNA is involved in regulating gene expression, controlling cell functions, and having other structural roles.