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Q: Which nutrient comprises the largest percentage of the body of a healthy man or woman?
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Which nutrient comprises the largest percetage of the body's composition?

The nutrient comprises the largest percentage of the body's composition is water. The body is made up of over 60 percent of water.

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the largest percentage of Canadia visitor arrive in the

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The largest percentage of the earths surface is covered by water mainly the Oceans (about 71%).

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Australia has the largest percentage of deserts, with about 18% of its land area classified as desert.

Which two gases make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere?

Nitrogen and oxygen make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere.

What contains the largest percentage of the Earth's water?

Oceans contain the largest percentage of Earth's water, holding approximately 97% of all water on the planet.

Honey has the largest percentage of what?

Honey has the largest percentage of natural sugars, primarily fructose and glucose.

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The smallest percentage point of any distribution is 0% and the largest is 100%.

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Papua is a province of Indonesia. It comprises most of the western half of the island of New Guinea and nearby islands. Its capital is Jayapura. It is the largest and easternmostprovince of Indonesia.

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Canada is the world's second largest country in total area and comprises 9,984,670 km2

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The Pretoria-Witwatersrand Vereniging which comprises of the city of Johannesburg now extending to the city of Pretoria.

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Bolivia has the largest percentage of Amerindians, with Indigenous peoples making up around 62% of the population.