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Watts is voltage (in volts) x current (in amps)

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Q: What is the formula for watts?
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What is the formula for converting mets to watts in exercise physiology?

The formula for converting METs to watts in exercise physiology is: Watts METs x 3.5 x weight in kg / 200.

Find amp's when watts and voltage is known?

To find the amps when watts and voltage are known, you can use the formula: Amps = Watts / Volts. Simply divide the power in watts by the voltage to get the amperage.

Convert 9000 watts at 220 volts into amps?

To convert watts to amps, use the formula: Amps = Watts / Volts. So, 9000 watts at 220 volts would be: 9000 / 220 = 40.91 amps.

How are watts determined?

The watt is a measurement of power. In electrical circuit, to determined watts there is a formula volts x amps = watts

How many watts is 3800kw?

The formula you are looking for is I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts.

How many watts is 6.5 amps and 110 vac?

To calculate watts, you can use the formula: Power (watts) = Current (amps) x Voltage (volts). Therefore, for 6.5 amps at 110 volts AC, the power in watts would be 715 watts.

What is the Formula for watts per horsepower?

There are 746 watts per HP, its just something you have to remember.

What is the formula for watts using mph?

The formula for calculating power in watts using miles per hour (mph) is: Power (watts) = 0.0098 * mph^3

Formula for watts and amps?

power in watts = voltage in volts x current in amps. or power in watts = current in amps x (resistance in ohms) squared i think what you meant was power in watts =(current in amps)squared x resistance in ohms

What is 1.2kva equivalent to watts?

1.2 kVA is equivalent to 1200 watts. This conversion is based on the formula: Watts = Volts x Amps x Power Factor.

How can I convert calories to watts?

To convert calories to watts, you can use the formula: 1 calorie is equal to 0.001163 watts. Simply multiply the number of calories by 0.001163 to get the equivalent in watts.

How many watts is 6 amps if voltage is 240?

You need the formula: Amps * Volts = Watts But you get to do the math.