taking two fractions. and cross multiply. all fraction has a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number). multiply the numerator to the other fraction's denominator and the denominator to the other fraction's numerator to get the product.
Cross elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of demand for one product to a change in the price of another product. It will help predicts how prices of products will act.
Because the Almighty Gaylord Focker wanted it that way. HALLELUJAH!!
Gross Domestic PRoduct is the total amount of money per year
At least one miscosted product causes other products to be miscosted in the organization.
Cross-price elasticity measures how the price of one product affects the demand for another. For complements, a decrease in the price of one product leads to an increase in demand for the other. This results in a negative cross-price elasticity. For substitutes, a decrease in the price of one product leads to a decrease in demand for the other, resulting in a positive cross-price elasticity.
A good discussion is provided in the link.
Cross product also known as vector product can best be described as a binary operation on two vectors in a three-dimensional space. The created vector is perpendicular to both of the multiplied vectors.
The definition of product usage is how a consumer uses a certain product. This is done by testing a product.
0 is a cross product of a vector itself
cross: torque dot: work
It is the area of the plane (the surface) covered by the water in the river channel. It is the product of the width of the channel, and the average depth of the river
The cross product can be said to be a measure of the 'perpendicularity' of the vectors in the product. Please see the link.
what is a cross connection in plumbing
Normally you use sine theta with the cross product and cos theta with the vector product, so that the cross product of parallel vectors is zero while the dot product of vectors at right angles is zero.
because that is the def. of a cross-product!
Cross product is a mathematics term when there is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space.
The cross product is created.