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Logarithmic will give a more define shape of the graph

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Q: Advantages of logarithmic scale over the linear scale?
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What are the features of the pH scale?

The neutral point is at 7; under 7 is acidic, over 7 is basic. The pH scale is logarithmic.

Why you use semi-log graph over normal graph?

why would you use a semi-logarithmic graph instead of a linear one?what would the curve of the graph actually show?

What are the advantages of linear interpolation?

Advantages over what? For what? Generally linear interpolation is done because one infers that the relationship between points is linear and/or it is the the easiest kind of interpolation. In the absence of data or theory to help you infer the relationship between points the principle of parsimony suggest that use the simplest that gets the job done - linear.

What are two advantages of the moment magnitude scale over the Richter scale?

The moment magnitude scale is more accurate for large earthquake than can cause damage.

Where does the pH scale come from?

Somebody's mind. It's a convenient way to represent the hydrogen (actually hydronium, actually a lot more complicated even than that) ion concentration, which stretches over many orders of magnitude in typical substances, making a logarithmic scale a lot more practical than a linear one. pH is just the negative log of the H+ (actually... you know the drill) concentration (in moles per liter).

What two term determines the pH scale?

the pH scale is a measurement of acidity of liquids. it ranges from a rating on 1 to 14. when it is at 1, it is very acidic and at 14 it is a strong alkali but at 7, its neutral like water. the pH scale also shows acidity by colour- at 1 it is a strong red, at 7 it is a green and at 14, it is a purple. ;)

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Advantages of production planning and control to a small scale industry are that, the industry is able to manage its finances, the industry controls the order and stock, there is no over or underproduction.

What is the advantage of the Celsius over the Fahrenheit scale?

It's used by more people. The degrees are the same size as kelvins.

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economies of scale make is possible to offer lower prices

Advantages of SMPS over linear power supply?

1.Efficiency is high compared to linear power suplies 2.ripple voltage is very low 20mv. 3.constant regulating voltage is the one of the advantage of smps.

What is logarithmic quantizer or quantization?

In logarithmic quantization, one does not quantize the incoming signal but log of it to maintain signal to noise ratio over dynamic range. Dr Inayatullah Khan

How can logarithms relate to everyday living?

Before the invention of the calculator, people needed to perform math by hand. Using tables of logarithms greatly sped up the common tasks of multiplication, division, powers and roots. Today, people use devices or scales that are based on logarithms. Music volume is based on a logarithmic scale. Every time you turn the volume up, you are doing something based on logarithms. Earthquakes are based on a logarithmic scale. Every time that you hear about an earthquake on the news, the earthquake is described in reference to a scale based on logarithms. Earthquakes happen daily all over the world.