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Q: Application of definite Integral in the real life Give some examples from only real life in your?
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Application of definite Integral in the real life Give some?

What are the Applications of definite integrals in the real life?

What is the definite integral of 1 divided by x squared?

For it to be a definite integral, you would need to specify a range. We can however give you the indefinite integral. The easiest way to do this is to think of it not as a fraction, but as a negative exponent: 1/x2 = x-2 It then becomes quite easy to integrate, as we can say in general: ∫(axn) dx = ax(n + 1) / (n + 1) + C In this case then, we have: ∫(x-2) dx = -x-1 + C, or -1/x + C

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This makes it possible to give a precise formal definition of both the derivative, and the definite integral - which are both extremely useful concepts in math, physics, and engineering.

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Pushing,lifting and pulling

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Homework is integral to the learning process.

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I will have a definite answer in about ten minutes. You must give me a definite time to meet you.

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Yes, they commonly appear in free-fall problems.

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A network application has two components, one that runs on the local computer and one that runs on a remote computer. E-mail and surfing the internet are a common example of a network application.