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Q: Do lines that increase from left to right have a positive slope?
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What is the general direction of lines with a positive slope?

Botttom left to top right.

Do rising lines always have negative slopes?

If a line on a graph is rising as it goes from left to right, it has a positive slope. If it is falling from left to right (or rising from right to left) it has a negative slope. If it is horizontal, it has a slope of zero.

Steeper lines have a?

larger slope if positive and a smaller slope if negative

What are the properties of a slope?

The slope is the ratio of the vertical increase divided by the horizontal increase. The slope of a flat line is 0. The slope of a flatter line is smaller than the slope of a steeper line. A positive slop indicates that the line move up from left to right. A negative slope means that the line moves down from left to right.

Can two lines with positive slopes be parallel?

yes they can be parallel because for a pair of lines to be parallel the slope must be the same no matter if the slope is positive or negative.

Which of the following are the correct properties of slope?

A.Lines that are equally steep should have the same slope.B.The slope of a steep line should be bigger than the slope of a flat line.D.Lines that go up from left to right should have a positive slope.E.Lines that go down from left to right should have a negative slope.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.The slope of a flat line should be close to 0.C.The slope of a flat line is smaller than the slope of a steep line.E.A negative slope means that the line moves down from left to right

How would you define positive slope?

a line with a positive slope rises from left to right

When the right side point is lower than the left side point what is the sign of the slope?

The sign of the slope is negative because going from left to right the slope decreases or goes down. If the slope were to increase or go up, the sign would be positive. Hope I helped! SLS

What exists if the y-coordinates increase as the x-coordinates increase?

Positive slope.

What does an positive slope look like?

a positive slope is a slope which increases in value "y" as well as its value for "x" i.e. (0,0)(2,2) would be listed as positive because the values increase olong the slope of the line

What are some Real examples for negative slope and positive slope?

A positive slope is simply a slope going upward on a graph from left to right. A negative slope is a slope going downward from left to right. Often, negative slopes are the reverse of positive slopes and are both depending on the person's direction.

How do you know if the slope is postitive from a graph?

a positive slope is up and to the right