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You use math in astronomy to measure the amount of astronomical units(150,000,000 km). Such as, the Earth is 1.5 astronomical units away from the sun.

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Q: How can you use math in astrology?
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When do you use math in astrology?

Basic math and some spherical geometry are used in astrology for changing local time to Universal time, correcting the longitude and latitude for calculating the degrees on the cusps of the houses, and to ascertain the exact planetary positions in the chart.

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How do you use astrology in a sentence?

I learn/used to learn about astrology at school.

Use astrology in a sentence?

The divination art of astrology has been widely practiced for hundreds of years.

How do you use the word astrology in simple sentence?

Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies to interpret how they influence human affairs and natural world events.

What is the difference between Vedic astrology and Western astrology?

The most important and immediately noticeable difference is that the planetary positions are different. While western astrology uses the actual observed position of the planets and the zodiac, Vedic astrology uses precession of the equinoxes, and that's why there will be a difference in the planetary positions, so your planets may be in an entirely different sign when you use the Vedic astrology system. The second important difference is that while western astrology gives a lot of importance to Sun, Vedic astrology is based on Moon. In Vedic astrology there is a special tool called the Dasha that is used to predict the events of a native's life while in western astrology we use Transits.

What were the ancient Greeks resonsible for inventing?

They invented democracy, math, astrology and science (physics). That's all I know it may be more.

1 february1990-my date of birth my zodiac sign- Aries I am an engineering student Iwant to know my future?

If you believe in natal horological astrology, I predict that you will not be a very good engineer. Astrology is bunk. Engineering is math and science. The two DO NOT go together. If you intend to become an engineer, you will need to put aside childish prejudices like astrology.

How does engineering use math as a job?

Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!

Does astrology have anything to do with math?

Astrologers use spherical trigonometry and spherical geometry to find the divisions of the houses, the aspects between planets and render the horoscope. Some simple arithmetic is also used to render the birth time in GMT.

Does astrology really work, I mean online astrology?

According to me, Astrology is founded on understanding the positions of the stars, which in itself sounds like a scientific pursuit. You can also use online astrology to find out your compatibility with another person. By understanding your chart, you can take steps to improve your relationships. So if you are looking for a little help in choosing the best match for your life, online astrology is the perfect resource.

How can you find out what your golden number is in astrology?

A suggestion for using your golden number in astrology are to use it like a lucky number when playing games of chance.