Astrologers use spherical trigonometry and spherical geometry to find the divisions of the houses, the aspects between planets and render the horoscope. Some simple arithmetic is also used to render the birth time in GMT.
It is doubtful that astrologers use math at all. They do use a lot of math sounding terms (Zenith, Ascension, Azimuth, Cusp, Declination, etc.) but these are buzz words. Old time magicians used similar phrases such as "Hocuspocus" to sound like the Latin hoc est enim corpus meum (for this is my body) used by the educated people of the time in church servicesAstronomers (actual math using scientists) use calculus, Fourier and LaPlace transforms. None of this is evident in Astrological "calculations"
It is doubtful that astrologers use math at all. They do use a lot of math sounding terms (Zenith, Ascension, Azimuth, Cusp, Declination, etc.) but these are buzz words. Old time magicians used similar phrases such as "Hocuspocus" to sound like the Latin hoc est enim corpus meum (for this is my body) used by the educated people of the time in church services.
Astronomers (actual math using scientists) use calculus, Fourier and LaPlace transforms. None of this is evident in Astrological "calculations."
Basic arithmetic is used with each formula to determine sidereal time, planetary positions, and house cusps. Manual chart calculation offers an extra benefit: the process leads to a deeper understanding and interpretation of the chart, which "comes alive" as each step in erecting the chart is completed.
Astrology is never used in mathematics, except perhaps as an example of something in simple maths.
Astronomy, Astrology, Math, and Medicene
Basic math and some spherical geometry are used in astrology for changing local time to Universal time, correcting the longitude and latitude for calculating the degrees on the cusps of the houses, and to ascertain the exact planetary positions in the chart.
According to science, astrology doesn't have anything to do with your dating life. Some people who believe in astrology think that it can hold keys to your love life and other aspects of your future.
No. I have no idea what "Vashikaran" means, but astrology will certainly not solve anything.
There isn't anything called the Libra mood in astrology.
You use math in astronomy to measure the amount of astronomical units(150,000,000 km). Such as, the Earth is 1.5 astronomical units away from the sun.
Astrology, along with other things, has no rational or provable basis. No doubt there are some people that will attribute astrology to gemstones or to anything else. Reading chicken entrails for instance.It's nonsense.
It doesn't have to do anything with math.
red but imo you shouldnt rely on astrology for anything
They invented democracy, math, astrology and science (physics). That's all I know it may be more.
If you completely understand math, you can do just about anything.
You do not have to do anything!