Up if it is more than half, down if it is less than half. You round it off by omitting the decimal place. So .0234 becomes .023, and .0236 becomes .024.
You can do this in several ways. You can round to the nearest decimal; you can also round up, or round down.
Always look at the next digit to the right of where you want to round up or down to. If the next digit is 5 or more, you round up. If it's 4 or less, you round down. In this case, you would round the number down to 15.33
You can't round on a calculator. You do it in your head. 4-1, you round down, 5-9, you round up.
you round fractions by rounding up or down, you can decide to do this when you look at the numerator and decide if it is half of the denominator, if it is half or more than half, you round up. If it is less than half you round down. Another way you can round fractions is dividing the top number by the bottom number (with a calculator), then if the decimal part is 5 or more, round up! (if the decimal is less than 5, round down.)
201. If the decimal is 5 or over round up if it isn't round down.
Go to the second decimal place; if it is less than 5; round down. If it is 5 or greater, round up. So, 1.51 rounded to 1 decimal place is 1.5.
Anything 5 or about round it up. 4 or below round down. Example: 4.2 round down to 4.0 6.7 round up to 7.0 4.76 round up to 4.8
lets say you have the number 0.254 to round it to the nearest fourth you round it to 0.25 4 and below round down 5 and up round up
In the decimal system, when rounding numbers you look at the digit to the right of the desired decimal place. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it's less than 5, you round down. For example, if rounding to the nearest whole number and you have 4.6, it would round up to 5, but if you have 4.4, it would round down to 4.