Formula- Antilog of x is equal to 10x
Going along with the following example, 102.6992 = 500.265 --------------------------------------------------------
Find the antilog of 2.6992 . The number before the decimal point is 2, so the decimal point will be after the first 3 digits. From the antilog table, read off the row for .69 and column of 9; the number given in the table is 5000. The mean difference in the same row and under the column 2 is 2. To get the inverse of mantissa add 5000 + 2 = 5002. Now place a decimal point after the first 3 digits and you get the number 500.2 Thus antilog 2.6992 = 500.2 Example 2 : Find the antilog of 1.0913. The number before the decimal point is 1, the number of zeroes after the decimal point is zero. From the antilog table, read off the row for .09 and column of 1; the number given in the table is 1233. The mean difference in the same row and under the column 3 is 1. To get the inverse of mantissa add 1233 + 1 = 1234. Now place a decimal point before the first digit and you get the number 0.1234. 5.Applications
We will now see how logarithms and antilogarithms of numbers are useful for calculations which are complicated or have very large/small numbers. Example 1 : Find 80.92 * 19.45. Let x = 80.92 * 19.45 Use the log function on both the sides. log x = log (80.92 * 19.45) log (80.92 * 19.45) = log 80.92 + log 19.45 ( from the laws of logarithms) From the log tables we get log 80.92 = 1.9080, log 19.45 = 1.2889 Thus log (80.92 * 19.45) = 1.9080 + 1.2889 = 3.1969 log x = 3.1969 Now use antilog functions on both the sides. x = antilog 3.196 From the antilog tables we see that the antilog of 3.1969 is 1573.0. Example 2 : Find (0.00541 * 4.39)
71.35 Let x = (0.00541 * 4.39)
71.35 Take log functions on both the sides. log x = log ( (0.00541 * 4.39) ) ñ log (71.25) ( from the laws of logarithms) First term on the RHS : log ( (0.00541 * 4.39) ) = log (0.00541 * 4.39 )‡ = 1/2 log (0.00541) + 1/2 log (4.39) log (0.00541) = - 2.2668 ‡ log (0.00541) = - 1.1334 log (4.39) = 0.6423 ‡ log (4.39) = 0.3212 Thus the first term on the RHS : -0.8122 The second term on the RHS : log (71.25) = 1.8527 _
Thus log x = - 2.6649; in terms of bar, this can be written as 3.3351. Now take the antilog functions on both the sides, we get x = 0.002163.
how to find antilog(20/2) answer
Find the base for the logarithm: it is likely to be 10 if you are a newcomer to logs or e (= 2.71828...) if you are more advanced. Then the antilog of x is 10x or ex.
Raise 10 to the power of the number. The antilog of 2 is 102 = 100 The antilog of 5 is 105 = 10,000 The antilog of 'pi' is 103.1416 = 1,385.46 (rounded)
If it is log to the base 10, use the calculator to find 10 to that power. If it is log to the base e, use the calculator to find e to that power. Both the above are standard functions on all scientific calculators and are easy to work out on spreadsheets. Alternatively, you can find the antilog of the absolute value and then find the reciprocal. Thus antilog(-3.5) = 1/antilog(3.5) etc.
The antilog of the number in the display is10xThere's probably a button somewhere on the calculator that gives you 10x . Also, this terminology, and the button, are probably discussed in the tiny bookletthat comes with the calculator.
Take the logarithm of your number, divide it by 3 then take the antilog.
The antilog of -4.45 refers to the inverse operation of taking the logarithm base 10 of a number. To find the antilog of -4.45, you would raise 10 to the power of -4.45. This can be calculated as 10^(-4.45), which equals approximately 3.54813389234.
Assuming working to base '10' , then Antilog 2.3909 is 10^(2.3909) = 245.9801149/ Remember for logarithms. log of a number is log(10)[number] Hence its antilog is 10^(log number).
If a number has an antilog whose integer part is n, then the number has n-1 digits before the decimal point.
The answer is easy if you are familiar with scientific notation. The antilog of a number, whose integer part is n, has 10n in its scientific notation. Otherwise: the number that you want the antilog for will normally be in decimal form: consisting of an integer part, a decimal point and a fractional part. The number of integer digits in the antilog is one more than the integer part of the number being "antilogged" (exponentiated). antilog(0.1234) = 1.3286*100 = 1.3286 antilog(1.1234) = 1.3286*101 = 13.286 antilog(5.1234) = 1.3286*105 = 132860 antilog(-3.1234) = 1.3286*10-3 = 0.0013286
If log(x) = y then log(x3) = 3*log(x) = 3*y so that x3 = antilog(3*y) So, to find the cibe of x 1) find log x 2) multiply it by 3 3) take the antilog of the result.