In the real world "zerominus" is meaningless. Zero is neither plus nor minus. All minus (negative) numbers is less than zero.
minus zero
"Minus" is typically used in mathematical operations to indicate subtraction, such as "5 minus 3." "Negative" is used to describe a number less than zero, such as "-7."
No. This would mean that the moisture content of the air was less than zero.
A negative number is a number less than zero (to the left of the number zero, on a standard number-line). It is written with a minus sign. For example, -5 is 5 less than zero.
Minus is less than no minus. For example, -3 is less than 0 or +1.
yes all negative numbers are less than any whole numbers including zero
It can't be solved because the discriminant of this quadratic equation is less than zero