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Industrial Revolution had both negative and positive change in the Americans.

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Q: Is this a positive or a negative change why?
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What is a negative multiplied by a negative?

negative*negative=positive negative/positive=negative negative\negative=positve negative-positive=change the sign to a plus and then change the number after the sign and get your answer negative +positive=which ever numbr is bigger minus positive+positive=positive

Do you change anything to a problem if it is a negative and a positive?

It truly depends on what the problem is, but normally a negative will change the overall answer of the sum: + and - = negative answer - and - = positive answer + and + = positive answer - and + = negative answer

What is negative 4 minus positive 21?

the answer of negative 4 minus positive 21 is positive 25 because you leave the negative 4 as is, change the minus to a plus, and change positive 21 to negative 21. (Leave Change Change)

How do you determine negatives or positives in math equations?

Numbers are justified as positive, which is usually written as just a number but can be written with a plus (+) sign in front of the number. (e.g. 15 or +15), or negative. Negative numbers are numbers in the negative integers, or below 0. They are written with a minus (-) sign in front of them. (e.g. -15) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..::To solve remember these rules::.. When multiplying: positive x negative = negative positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive When dividing: positive / negative = negative positive / positive = positive negative / negative = positive When adding: In a positive + negative situation, if the negative number has a higher number than the positive (e.g. -25 + 10) then the number is negative, this is always true when adding a higher negative to a positive. If the positive has a higher number (e.g. 25 + -10) then it's just the opposite, it will be a positive number. -------------You can solve these very easily: 25 + -10 --> (25) + (-10) to keep it well organized and easier to work with,now just remember "Keep Change Change"... - keep 25 as it is, change "+" to a "-" and change the "-10" to a positive 10. As a result, you will have: 25 - 10. Now solve. Answer = 15 (positive). If for instance you have a negative + positive, the same rules apply (Keep Change Change) negative + negative = negative positive + positive = positive When subtracting: negative - positive (vice versa), use Keep Change Change as you did with adding positives and negatives. negative - negative, use Keep Change Change positive - positive, use Keep Change Change if the number you are subtracting is a higher number. (e.g. 10-15) If you need anymore help, try asking a more specific question again on Wikianswers, search for math websites on the web, or ask your teacher or college professor for help.

Will this entropy change by positive or negative?

If the system becomes more disordered, the entropy change will be positive. If the system becomes more ordered, the entropy change will be negative.

What a positive plus a negative?

a positive plus a negative is a positive example 9-(-2) you would change the double negative to a positive hope this helped :)

Why the product of two negative numbers is positive.?

Multiplying something by a negative number makes it change signs. A positive number multiplied by a negative is negative therefore a negative * a negative is positive.

How do you change a negative number into a decimal?

You divide the negative number by a positive number for it to stay positive. And you divide the negative number by a negative number for it to become positive.

What does a positive number minus a positive numbe equal?

you change the minus to a positive and change the 2nd positive number to a negative number..the answer can be either negative or positive depending on the sign of the greatest number(:

Is this a positive or a negative change why history?

Industrial Revolution has both the negative and positive changes in the history of Americans.

When you subtract a negative number by a positive number is the number positive or negative?

5 - (-2) ______ 7 In this problem, it equals a positive because you do keep (5), change (- to +) change (- to + again). Keep, change, change. 6 - (-7) _____ 13 Again, we do keep (6), change (- to +), change (- to + again) So, positive.

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