

Best Answer

Estimated p = 75 / 250 = 0.3

Variance of proportion = p*(1-p)/n

= 0.3(0.7)/250 =0.00084

S.D. of p is sqrt[0.00084] = 0.029

Confidence interval:

phat-zval*sd = 0.3 - (1.96)(0.028983)

phat-zval*sd = 0.3 + (1.96)(0.028983)

Confidence interval is ( 0.2432 , 0.3568 )

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Q: Uwant totestcreatedWeb site so you have 250 people access it. Of the peps accessing the site 75 of them exp. computer crashes. Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for the proportion of crashes?
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