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Algebra 1 lol

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Q: What comes after calculus?
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What math comes after trig?

Precalculus and/or calculus.

What math class comes before algebra 1?

Pre-algebra. Afterwards, it can be, in any order, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-calculus, and Calculus.

Where does the name calculus came from?

The term calculus comes directly from Latin. In Latin a calculus (noun) is a small stone used for counting, much like the beads on an abacus. One of the fundamental uses for modern calculus is integration, which is of course addition of infinitely small sections.

What math comes after calculus?

Differential equations, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real and Complex Analysis, Advanced Calculus, and lots of other fun stuff.

Which is harder calculus or applied calculus?

Calculus; by a long shot.

What is regular calculus?

I think by "regular calculus" it is meant simple derivatives and integrations. Regular calculus would be first year calculus probably not including multi-variable calculus or calculus of variations or vector calculus. Wikipedia gives a good explanation of calculus. If you want to sound smart, call it "The Calculus". It is the study of the rate of change (how things change, in relation to other things, often time) In most Universities, regular calculus are the standard analysis of Calculus, concentrating more on the application of it rather than the concept. in comparison is either called "advanced calculus" or in my U, "Honours Calculus" which takes analysis to a whole new level. Both first year course, but the advanced one concentrates on the understanding of concepts, theorems rather than applications alone. It comes in the form of "mathematical proof". Regular Calculus does proofs too, but not as often. --------------------------------------------- Regular calculus is most probably calculus taught in high school or university level, which is simple, mostly single-variable calculus. But then, there are also different calculi called non-Newtonian calculi. These are the non-standard, non-regular calculi, in which different operators are defined. For example, "regular calculus" might mean an additive calculus (where the integral is defined by adding up extremely small pieces), while an integral in multiplicative calculus might involve multiplying infinitely many pieces close to 1.

Is elementary calculus the same as calculus?

Pre-calculus refers to concepts that need to be learned before, or as a prerequisite to studying calculus, so no. First one studies pre-calculus then elementary calculus.

Which is harder calculus 1 or differential and integral calculus?

Just about all of calculus is based on differential and integral calculus, including Calculus 1! However, Calculus 1 is more likely to cover differential calculus, with integral calculus soon after. So there really isn't a right answer for this question.

What is a synonym for calculus?

Calculus is calculus. There isn't really another word for it.

What does Calculus means?

In a nutshell, calculus is the mathematical study of change. Algebra covers mainly linear applications like velocity = distance divided by time. Calculus is used to find the instantaneous velocity of a ball thrown 6 feet in the air as it is falling, paused in time at 4 feet up (the velocity is getting faster as the ball comes down, so you need calculus equations and techniques to figure this out).

What is the plural form of calculus?

There are several meanings to the word 'calculus.' The plural for calculus is 'calculi.' There is no plural for the calculus we use in mathematics.

How do you use Calculus in a sentence?

My Calculus class is in third period. Calculus is a noun