The denominator tells you the total of the pieces in the fraction.
it tell you that this bottom number should not change.
If denominator = 0.
If the denominator is 2 or 5 it terminates. Otherwise it repeats.
The denominator is the bottom number of a fraction, and the numerator is the top fraction of a fraction.Every integer is x/1.
How many parts of the total you have in the fraction.
The numerator tells you how many of the denominator units you have.
It tells us by how many parts a whole number or an item has been split up into and the numerator tells us how many parts there are as for example 3/4 means 3 parts of 4
Yes, it does.
When the numerator and denominator have a GCF of 1.
The denominator is double the numerator.
It tells you the numberneeded to make one.