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Decimal system is a vague term in this respect. Technically it refers to the use of a 10 digit number system (base-10, 0-9). But I suspect you are asking about the use of the decimal.

The first meaning: it's origin is not known with certainty. China (first) and India (second) both seem to have developed a decimal system independently of one another. So, both are given credit.

The second meaning (technically referred to as decimal fractions. They are fractions whose denominator is a multiple of 10 i.e. -> 4.22387): The origin of this is the same. More or less, the Chinese in the 1st century BC. An Indian mathematician also used it. From him, it spread to the Middle East (Likely where it was combined with the Arabic number set we use now) and finally to Europe.

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Q: What empire discovered the decimal system?
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Who discovered decimal system?

The Great Deekshith Babu .N

When was zero first used in the decimal system?

THe Gupta Empire

The decimal system was invented by the what empire?

It is thought that decimal numbers were used by the Elamite dynasty (Iran) approx 5000 (+/- 500) years ago.

How was decimal discovered?

It was not discovered but invented.

What contributions were made in math and science durning the Gupta Empire?

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The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.

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i think the answer to which empire developed the number system we use today was the perisan empire because they developed so many things not that many thing and you know what i mean

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For the Gupta Empire, they created the concept of zero and the decimal system.

The decimal system was invented by what empire?

It is thought that decimal numbers were used by the Elamite dynasty (Iran) approx 5000 (+/- 500) years ago.

The decimal system we use today is the product of this empire's discovery?

This question has no answer, for the decimal system of counting has been in use for millennia, from the Mediterranean to China. Christopher Ellis, Though you are correct that the Decimal system has been used for a long time, everything starts somewhere. In this case the Decimal System started in the Gupta Empire. Sorry that a 16 year old has more knowledge than someone in they're late 50's to early 60's. answered by Coyote G. Farmer

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