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It means the digits that are in bold type, that is, a fatter font, like this.

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1mo ago

Ah, bold digits are numbers that stand out and make a statement on the page. Just like painting with bold colors can bring a beautiful contrast to a canvas, using bold digits can help emphasize important information in text. Remember, whether you're painting a picture or writing a document, adding bold digits can add a touch of flair and make your work truly shine.

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1mo ago

Bold digits are numbers that are displayed in a bold font style to make them stand out visually. This formatting technique is commonly used in documents, presentations, and online content to emphasize the importance or significance of the numbers. Bold digits can help draw attention to key numerical information and make it easier for readers to quickly identify and understand the data being presented.

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1mo ago

Bold digits are numbers that are displayed in a thicker or heavier font style to make them stand out more prominently. It's like putting them in all caps and shouting, "Hey, look at me!" So, if you want your numbers to have a bit more oomph and grab people's attention, go bold or go home.

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A homonym for bold is 'bowled.'

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There is no "tense" to the word bold, it is an adjective. "Tense" is placed on verbs not adjectives. What you are looking for is the proper tense of the term "to be". In this case: WAS bold, WERE bold, HAD BEEN bold, or HAS BEEN bold.

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12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.

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