They are: 3=300 and 7=70
The bold digit 7 has a value of 7 in the number 72.4. It represents 7 units or ones.
There are eight threes in the first fifty digits of pi, not including the first three before the decimal point.Here is an example below with the threes in bold.3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
The code is on the computer box behind the rear panel on drivers side. The number is 5 digits and bold black numbers on the sticker.
no answer
A homonym for bold is 'bowled.'
There is no "tense" to the word bold, it is an adjective. "Tense" is placed on verbs not adjectives. What you are looking for is the proper tense of the term "to be". In this case: WAS bold, WERE bold, HAD BEEN bold, or HAS BEEN bold.
12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.
something bold
Her decision was bold and courageous.I like bold colors. Though he seemed bold, he was frightened.
The Blackberry bold 9700 is newer than the Blackberry bold 9000.