The bold digit 7 has a value of 7 in the number 72.4. It represents 7 units or ones.
Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!Since there is no bold digit, there is no place value!
no answer
round to the place value of the bold digit of 57,294
It means the digits that are in bold type, that is, a fatter font, like this.
They are: 1=1000, 2=2, 3=3/100, 4=4/1000 and 5=5/10000
There are eight threes in the first fifty digits of pi, not including the first three before the decimal point.Here is an example below with the threes in bold.3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510