When you ever want to convert a fraction to a decimal, just divide the numerator by the denominator. Three sixths = 3/6. 3 divided by 6 = 0.5 Hope that helped.
None. Three eighths in decimal form is .375 . You obtain the decimal form of a fraction by dividing the numerator (3) by the denominator (8). For one fraction to be equivalent, or "the same" as another, it needs to be exactly the same in decimal form as the other. Two sixths is .333 in decimal form, which is less than .375, meaning the answer is more than two sixths. Three sixths is .500, which is higher than .375, meaning the answer is less than three sixths. So the equivalent of three eighths in sixths lies somewhere in between two sixths and three sixths, but there is no exact number of sixths that is the equivalent of three eighths. To illustrate how a successful fractional equivalent would look, ask how many sixteenths are the same as three eighths. Five sixteenths is .313, less than .375, and six sixteenths is .375 exactly. You recall that three eighths is also .375. Therefore, you can conclude that six sixteenths is equivalent, or the same as, three eighths.
0.5 is.
Three sixths is a half or 0.5 in decimal. 50 + -0.5 = 49.5
3.83333 repeating
5/6 = 0.8333333333333333
12/6 = 2.0
The fraction five-sixths would be equal to the decimal zero point eight three three three. If written numerical it would look like this 5/16=0.8333.
neither. it is 0.166666666666666666666666666666...
Oh, dude, three sixths is just half, man. Like, you can simplify that fraction to one half. It's like when you have a pizza and you eat three out of six slices - you've basically had half the pizza, right? So yeah, three sixths is just one half, easy peasy.
It is a recurring decimal, so 3.8333 is the answer to your question.