what is four sixths of twelve One sixth of twelve is two, since 2 x 6 = 12. So four sixths of twelve would be 8. Five sixths of twelve would be 10.
5/6 = 0.8333333333333333
The number in decimal form is 0.12.
Twelve thousand in decimal form is 12,000
what is four sixths of twelve One sixth of twelve is two, since 2 x 6 = 12. So four sixths of twelve would be 8. Five sixths of twelve would be 10.
5/6 = 0.8333333333333333
Twelve and four hundredths in decimal form is 12.04
When you ever want to convert a fraction to a decimal, just divide the numerator by the denominator. Three sixths = 3/6. 3 divided by 6 = 0.5 Hope that helped.
neither. it is 0.166666666666666666666666666666...
12/36 = 1/3
The number in decimal form is 0.12.
12/66 = 2/11