The best grade i ever got... It's so good that you deserve a cookie and a tight slap
A 72% is either a C or a C- if your school uses the +/- grading scale. Normal scales are that an A is 90-100, B is 80-89, C is 70-79, D is 60-69, and F is less than 60. The +/- scale is a little different and may vary based on the individual school, but usually an A is 93-100, A- is 90-92, B+ is 87-89, B is 83-86, B- is 80-82, etc.
probably close to a D+ or something i got this on my math test so uh-
If you mean 72/100 then as a percentage it is 72%
the percentage of 72 out of 534 = 13.4831%% rate:= 72/534 * 100%= 0.134831* 100%= 13.4831%
It is: 72%
percentage = 72% % rate: = 108/150 * 100% = 0.72 * 100% = 72%
percentage = 72%% rate:= 54/75 * 100%= 0.72 * 100%= 72%
percentage = 113.89%% rate:= 82/72 * 100%= 1.1389* 100%= 113.89%
To convert 72 to percent multiply by 100: 72 × 100 = 7,200 %
(72/90) * 100
(72 / 300) * 100 = 24%
% rate= 72/80 * 100%= 0.9 * 100%= 90%